Michael Patkin's
Publication history, Reflections & comments
Ergonomics (except surgery)
A checklist for handle design
The Patkin Push Perceptor
Drug packaging *
Ergonomic barriers and opportunities
Limits to ergonomics
Occupational strains in schoolchildren *
The China Connection *
Engineers, doctors and ergonomics
The spectrum of forces exerted in everyday life and in operative surgery
Introduction to ergonomics
Are drug companies making a proper packet out of it?
Ergonomics the key to a leap forward
From anthropology to ergonomics
Excess effort and pain at work
Neck and arm pain in the office
Skill, excess effort, and strain
Uncertain advice for the world*
Coming to grips with bad handwriting
Ergonomists are available, and waiting
Ergonomics the key to a leap forward
Heuristics of dissection
Heuristics of dissection index page
Heuristics of dissection Part 1
Heuristics of dissection Part 2
Information design
Organising & storing information
Presenting & sharing information
The ergonomics of lecturing with 35mm slides
Putting the Pow !! into Powerpoint
Text - the ergonomics of natural language
Diagrams and hand diagrams
Human-computer interactionClinical information
Letters about patients
Medication lists
Fat file patients
Drug packaging *
A scheme for passing surgical examinations *
Operating room design, Hospital architecture
Hospital design - an ergonomic debacle
What surgeons want in the design of their operating rooms
Improving communication architects-clients
Checklist for contents of an OR
Nursing in the Operating room
Helping hands at surgery
What nurses want in the design of their operating rooms
Helping at Lap Surgery *
Ergonomics applied to surgery
History of ergonomy in surgery
The hand has two grips
Ergonomic aspects of surgical dexterity
Ergonomic design of a needleholder
Ergonomics and anaesthesia
Ergonomics of diathermy forceps design
Surgical instruments and effort - ratchets, needle sharpness
Forces exerted in clinical and operative surgery
Review: Surgical Techniques, by Herbert Haxton
Ergonomics and microsurgery
Selection and care of microsurgical instruments 1978
Ergonomics in microsurgery 1969Ergonomics and laparoscopic surgery
Ergonomics, engineering and surgery of endosurgical dissection
Needle holding ability of laparoscopic needle holders
Helping at Lap Surgery *
Pocketcard for Lap Surgery Ergonomics
Surgery—Clinical, procedural
Tuberculosis of the appendix
Bullraut stings (MJA 1969)
Atypical mycobacterium in the neck
Postoperative confusion
Fresh warm blood for massive transfusion
Peritoneal suture
Principles of treating bacterial inflammation
A cure for constipation
Removing foreign bodies from the limbs
Measuring abdominal tenderness
Normal breast lumps - palpating and recording them
Paraduodenal hernia
A scheme for passing surgical examinations *
Intra-gastric balloon for appetite control
Non-surgical—Winter croup and bedroom temperatures
Foreign body in the rectum
Long :Leg Plaster
Surgical instruments
Surgical instruments and effort referring especially to ratchets and needle sharpness
Forces exerted in clinical and operative surgery (as PDF file)
Measuring gentleness in surgerySee also—microsurgery, laparoscopic surgery
Editorials and general articles
Medical Journal of Australia
On giving injections
No news is bad news
For the doctor who has everything
Hospital switchboards
Ignorance and illegitimacy
Standards on edge
Games the Flintstones playIn other publications
Occupational strains in schoolchildren *
Coming to grips with faulty handwriting *
Drug packaging *
WWDU2 (conference report)
The China connection *
Safety belts
Alphabetical listing of pages
A checklist for handle design
A cure for constipation
A scheme for passing surgical examinations
Are drug companies making a proper packet out of it?
Atypical mycobacterium in the neck
Books as machines
Bullraut stings (MJA 1969)
Checklist for contents of an OR
China Connection, The
Clinical information
Coming to grips with faulty handwriting
Diagrams and hand diagrams
Drug packaging
Editorials and general articles
Engineers, doctors and ergonomics
Ergonomic aspects of surgical dexterity
Ergonomic barriers and opportunities
Ergonomic design of a needleholder
Ergonomics (except surgery)
Ergonomics and anaesthesia
Ergonomics and laparoscopic surgery
Ergonomics and microsurgery
Ergonomics applied to surgery
Ergonomists are available, and waiting
Ergonomics in microsurgery 1969
Ergonomics of diathermy forceps design
Ergonomics the key to a leap forward
Excess effort and pain at work
Fat file patients
For the doctor who has everything
Forces exerted in clinical and operative surgery
Foreign body in the rectum
From anthropology to ergonomics
Fresh warm blood for massive transfusion
Games the Flintstones play
Hand has two grips, The
Surgical Techniques, by Herbert Haxton—Review
Helping hands at surgery
Heuristics of dissection index page
Heuristics of dissection Part 1
Heuristics of dissection Part 2
History of ergonomy in surgery
Hospital design - an ergonomic debacle
Hospital switchboards
Human-computer interaction
Ignorance and illegitimacy
Improving communication architects-clients
In other publications
Information design
Intra-gastric balloon for appetite control
Introduction to ergonomics
Introduction to ergonomics (Powerpoint)Letters about patients
Limits to ergonomics
Long :Leg Plaster
Measuring abdominal tenderness
Medical libraries
Medication lists
Neck and arm pain in the office
No news is bad news
Normal breast lumps - palpating and recording them
Nursing in the Operating room
Occupational strains in schoolchildren
On giving injections
Operating room design
Organising & storing information
Paraduodenal hernia
Patkin Push Perceptor, The
Peritoneal suture
Postoperative confusion
Presenting & sharing information
Principles of treating bacterial inflammation
Putting the Pow !! into Powerpoint
Removing foreign bodies from the limbs
Safety belts
Selection and care of microsurgical instruments 1978
Skill, excess effort, and strain
Slide presentation
Spectrum of forces exerted in everyday life and in operative surgery, The
Standards on edge
Surgery—Clinical, procedural
Surgical instruments and effort - ratchets, needle sharpness
Town like Tuttlingen, A
Text and the ergonomics of natural language
Tuberculosis of the appendix
Uncertain advice for the world
What nurses want in operating rooms
What surgeons want in operating rooms
WWDU2 (conference report)
Winter croup and bedroom temperatures