Michael Patkin's
Publication history, Reflections & comments
Inflammatory conditions
Principles of treating bacterial inflammation (Br J Clin Prac 1965)
Tuberculosis of the appendix (Br J Clin Prac 1964)
Atypical mycobacterium in the neck (Eur J Clin M-biol Infect Dis 1998)
Non-surgical - Winter croup and bedroom temperatures (MJA 1969)
Bullraut stings (MJA 1969)
Non-inflammatory conditions
Paraduodenal hernia (ANZJS 1995)
Normal breast lumps - palpating and recording them (1997)
Cardiac arrest (Letter MJA 1969)
Postoperative confusion (MJA 1973)
A cure for constipation (Letter MJA 1982)
Hypokalaemia (Letter, Lancet 1964)Techniques
A scheme for passing surgical examinations (unpublished)
Fresh warm blood for massive transfusion (MJA 1979)
Peritoneal suture (Letter MJA 1971)
Removing foreign bodies from the limbs (Aust Fam Phys 1972)
Measuring tenderness (MJA 1970)
Skin lesion biopsy using transfixion suture (Letter MJA 1974)
Too many general surgeons (Letter MJA 1973)
Intra-gastric balloon for appetite control
Foreign body in the rectum
Long Leg Plasters
The operating theatre
Operating theatre design
Instruments, equipmentStandards & care
Selection and care of instruments in gen surg (MIMS)
Everything you ever wanted ...(Davis & Geck 1976)
Standards on edge (Editorial MJA 1970)
A town like TuttlingenArticles by Colleagues (in MIMS)
Orthopaedic surgery (David Vickers, Brisbane)
Micro-surgery (Earl Owen, Sydney)
Anaesthetic equipment (Richard Davis, John Russell)Individual instruments
Surgical silk winder (1964)
Hyperbaric chamber for neonates (1964)
Throwaway laryngoscope (1964)
Ergonomic design of a needleholder (1969)
Diathermy forcepsHelping hands at surgery
Helping at laparoscopic surgery
Surgery & ergonomics
The hand has two grips 1965
Ergonomic aspects of surgical dexterity 1967
Ergonomics and anaesthesia
Ergonomics of diathermy forceps design
History of ergonomy in surgery
Surgical instruments and effort referring especially to ratchets and needle sharpness
Specific areas
Forces exerted in clinical and operative surgery (as PDF file)
Selection and care of microsurgical instruments 1978
Ergonomics in microsurgery 1969